Visualizza articoli per tag: futurity Futurity 4-yr-olds, i go-round Ed è ancora Futurity! Risultati Futurity IRHA-IRHBA-NRHA 2019 Score card Futurity IRHA-IRHBA-NRHA 2019 Ordini di partenza Futurity IRHA-IRHBA-NRHA 2019 Futurity IRHA-IRHBA-NRHA 2019 Futurity IRHA-IRHBA-NRHA 2019, ecco la nuova data! NRHA European Futurity 2019 Irha-Nrha Futurity 2018: il bilancio e gli appuntamenti futuri Futurity 2018 - GAL GRAHELJ & WALLA WHIZ A DUN IT owner KATJA ZRIMSEK score 222,5 Futurity 2018 - LUKAS CZECHOWICZ & CSG COPSHOT owner KATARZYNA ROLESKA score 224 Futurity 2018 - BERNARD FONCK & SPOOK SUNBURST owner KOEN SYMOENS score 227,5 Futurity 2018 - PAOLO PETTENA & ENERGY FOR ME owner PAOLO PETTENA score 144 Futurity 2018 - CAMILLA ORLANDINI & RS CUBA LIBRA JAC owner ALICE MARINONI score 146 Futurity 2018 - FRANCESCA STERNBERG & HARD NOT TO LIKE owner FRANCESCA STERNBERG score 217 Futurity 2018 - MADDALENA ESTI & RAMBO BO SUN owner SEAHORSE SRL score 213,5 Futurity 2018 - ANDREU NOGUE PUIG & A WHIZ N CASH owner ANDREU NOGUE PUIG score 218,5 Futurity 2018 - MANUEL CORTESI & PC MAGNUM STEP DREAM owner AZ. AGR. CORTESI PIERO score 218,5 Futurity 2018 - VALERIE ZOZIN & RZ BH REMINS owner VALERIE ZOZIN score 141,5 Futurity 2018 - SOFIA GASSER & JAC LITTLE STEP owner SOFIA GASSER score 138,5 Futurity 2018 - VALERIE ZOZIN & RZ BH REMINS owner VALERIE ZOZIN score 136 Futurity 2018 - LUDOVICA ZAMBELLI & JERRY SUGAR CHEX owner LUDOVICA ZAMBELLI score 136,5 Futurity 2018 - CHIARA SANTOBUONO & MASTER STUNTMAN owner AGR. EQUIESSE AZ. score 141 Futurity 2018 - PATRYK PESZKE & GUMPATRASHYA owner BERNICE ENGEL score 216,5 Futurity 2018 - MORENO SACCHI & SPATSPOOK AND SAILOR owner MATTEO DAVID score 217,5 Futurity 2018 - MIRKO MIDILI & ANGELINA SHINING GUN owner ASIA VIMERCATI score 223 Futurity 2018 - ANDREA CASTELLI & MISS PLAYGUNS owner ANDREA CASTELLI score 209,5 Futurity 2018 - ANDREA CASTRUCCI & KN TACO WHIZ owner ANDREA CASTRUCCI score 212 Futurity 2018 - LAURA DALLA GASSA & GUNNERS SPECIALOLENA owner DIEGO DALLA GASSA score 219,5 Futurity 2018 - MARIO VERZINO & FB SNAPPER JAC PINE owner MARIO VERZINO score 142 Futurity 2018 - MAURO VECCHIUTTI & ESKIMO JABALENA owner MAURO VECCHIUTTI score 144,5 Futurity 2018 - NICOLA SERGIO & AT ANDREWOOD owner SRL SOC AGRICOLA CANOVE score 144,5 Futurity 2018 - PAMELA SARTONI & WEST COAST MERCEDES owner MANUEL BALZANI score 142 Futurity 2018 - DOMENICO GIANNITTI & SAILOR BOOM owner DOMENICO GIANNITTI score 141,5 & run-off 140 Futurity 2018 - MADDALENA ESTI & RAMBO BO SUN owner SEAHORSE SRL score 144 & run-off 143,5 Futurity 2018 - TOMMASO FEDELI & LIL PLAIN MERCEDES owner TOMMASO FEDELI score 143 Futurity 2018 - CARLO LOVISETTO & MTK BOOP owner CARLO LOVISETTO score 140,5 Futurity 2018 - MARKUS SCHOPFER & JOKIN WHIZ owner MARKUS SCHOPFER score 144 Futurity 2018 - VERENA RIGOTT & LONESOME SATURDAY owner VERENA RIGOTT score 142,5 Futurity 2018 - ANDREA CASTELLI & MISS PLAYGUNS owner ANDREA CASTELLI score 142,5 Futurity 2018 - MATTEO VEDOVATO & TOP CHIC SG owner VITTORIO RABBONI MATTEO VEDOVATO score 145 Futurity 2018 - GAL GRAHELJ & WALLA WHIZ A DUN owner KATJA ZRIMSEK score 437 Futurity 2018 - MANUEL CORTESI & PC TINSEL WHIZ owner AZ. AGR. CORTESI PIERO score 439,5 Futurity 2018 - ALESSANDRO MECONI & SONITA GOTTA WHIZ owner ARTURO PAPPAGALLO score 425,5 Futurity 2018 - ANN FONCK & SMART LITTLE RUFFLE owner BRIGITTE STEINER score 441,5 Futurity 2018 - ANDREU NOGUE PUIG & A WHIZ N CASH owner ANDREU NOGUE PUIG score 216 Futurity 2018 - LISA WERDANER & PL SPECIAL SURPRISE owner LISA WERDANER score 216,5 Futurity 2018 - GINA SCHUMACHER & COLONELS DANGER ZONE owner CS RANCH MANAGEMENT score 217 Futurity 2018 - ENRICO SCIULLI & SH QUE BEST STEP owner ENRICO SCIULLI score 213,5 Futurity 2018 - VITTORIO DE IULIO & GUNAHOLIC owner FABIO DE IULIO score 213,5 Futurity 2018 - WIKTORIA STANCO & REMY ROOSTER SG owner WIKTORIA STANCO score 213,5 Futurity 2018 - LAURA DALLA GASSA & GUNNERS SPECIALOLENA owner DIEGO DALLA GASSA score 214,5 Futurity 2018 - MANUEL BONZANO & ZEDD SUNBURST owner AZIENDA AGRICOLA 23 QH score 217,5 Futurity 2018 - PATRYK PESZKE & GUMPATRASHYA owner BERNICE ENGEL score 213,5 Futurity 2018 - DARIO CARMIGNANI & DIABOLO owner MARIA CECILIA FIORUCCI score 218 Futurity 2018 - GENNARO LENDI & MAYTHEFORCEBEWHIZYOU owner LUIGI PARISE score 219 Futurity 2018 - MIRKO MIDILI & ANGELINA SHINING GUN owner ASIA VIMERCATI score 219 Risultati Futurity IRHA-IRHBA-NRHA 2018 Score card Futurity IRHA-IRHBA-NRHA 2018 2018 IRHA Youth Award Ordini di partenza Futurity IRHA-IRHBA-NRHA 2018 Commissione Trainer riattivata, prossime elezioni a Cremona Grazie ai proprietari di stalloni! XXXIV IRHA FUTURITY 2018: un Futurity stellare XXXIV IRHA FUTURITY 2018: il progetto globale XXXIV IRHA FUTURITY 2018: numeri e location XXXIV IRHA FUTURITY 2018: il programma XXXIV IRHA FUTURITY 2018: tecnologia Futurity IRHA-IRHBA-NRHA 2018 Albo d'oro: Futurity Champions InizioIndietro1234567AvantiFine Pagina 7 di 7